Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Institute Borneo Harmonious Society, which in brief "LEKEM Borneo" performs the function of control of Government and Community Social activities until the establishment of a just society toward prosperity.
Borneo society must be a host in his own land in extracting wealth of Natural Resources are so abundant on this earth Borneo. Do not get us again colonized by entrepreneurs outside that seemed to seize the natural result that we have this.
Borneo is an area which is quite rich with natural results such as Coal, Oil, Gas, Iron Ore, Gold and others which is a gift from the creator of wealth and we have to dig your own.
Non-Governmental Organization "Harmonious Society Institute Borneo" (LEKEM KALIMANTAN) acting to realize the above.
Non-Governmental Organization "Harmonious Society Institute Borneo" (LEKEM KALIMANTAN) this was not the principle of Pancasila and 1945 Constitution and faithful to the Homeland.
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